The following is a list of important real estate terms for renting a house in Japan.
不動産屋(ふどうさんや)Real estate agency
Rent refers to the money that you must pay the landlord every month when renting a property. In Japan, rent is generally paid in advance on a monthly basis.
共益費(きょうえきひ)・管理費(かんりひ)Maintenance fee / management fee
These fees – paid in addition to rent – are used to fund the maintenance and management of areas used by multiple tenants, including the building entrance, stairways, and corridors. The fees are usually paid monthly along with rent.
A deposit is a sum of money that is paid to the landlord in advance in case the tenant cannot pay rent or other fees. The deposit is returned to the tenant when the lease ends, minus any unpaid rent or other fees. Some leases may specify that a predetermined amount will be deducted from the deposit before it is returned to the tenant.
礼金(れいきん)Key money
A lease may specify that a sum of money referred to as key money must be paid to the landlord in addition to the deposit at the time of lease. Unlike a deposit, key money is not returned to the tenant when the lease ends.
連帯保証人(れんたいほしょうにん)Joint guarantor
A joint guarantor is a person designated to pay rent and/or other fees on behalf of the tenant when the tenant cannot do so on his/her own. The tenant should always reimburse the joint guarantor in such a case. Not doing so would place an undue burden on the joint guarantor.
家賃債務保証制度(やちんさいむほしょうせいど)Rental Guarantee System
Under the rental guarantee system, a specialized company is designated to pay rent and/or other fees on behalf of the tenant when the tenant cannot do so on his/ her own. When signing the lease contract, a separate contract of guarantee is made with a company providing rental guarantee system services and a premium must be paid. The tenant must reimburse the company in the event that the company is forced to pay any overdue rent and/or other fees.
見積書(みつもりしょ)Rental Quotation
Your upfront move-in costs including first month rent, deposit, key money and all.
初期費用(しょきひよう) Initial Fee
紹介費(しょうかいひ) Agent’s Commission
This is the fee you pay to your agent for their service. By law, the maximum that your agent can charge you is one month’s rent plus consumption tax.
Some agents do not charge a commission at all or only half a month’s rent.
鍵交換費(カギこうかんひ)Lock Exchange Fee
This is shorthand for the types of spaces offered in an apartment. 1K means a one room apartment with a kitchen. 1DK means a one room apartment with dining area and kitchen. 1LDK is a one room apartment with living, dining, and kitchen area.
重要事項説明(じゅうようじこうせつめい)Explanation of important items
A real estate lease specialist (officially referred to as a “real estate notary”) will present the tenant with a copy of the lease and explain details about the property, lease conditions, and any other important information.
入居のしおり(にゅうきょのしおり)New tenant information
共用部分(きょうようぶぶん)Common areas
Common areas are areas shared by all tenants. This includes the entrance, corridors, stairways, elevators, etc.
Renewal refers to following a predetermined procedure to renew a lease at the end of its term rather than drawing up a new lease contract.
更新料(こうしんりょう) Renewal Fee
This is the renewal fee some landlords require in order to renew an existing lease. For residences, the koshinryou is usually 0.5-1 months’ rent.
原状回復(げんじょうかいふく)Restoration to original state
This refers to repairs and cleaning as outlined in the lease to restore the property to its original state when your lease ends and you move out. This usually includes fixing any damage and removing any marks, stains, etc. made intentionally or otherwise.
定期借家契約(ていきしゃくやけいやく)Fixed-term lease
A fixed-term lease terminates at the end of the lease term. If the tenant wishes to continue renting the property then a new lease must be drawn up.